Community Grants

Grant Information

Bendigo Northern District Community Enterprise (BNDCE) earns a commission from the business of every BNDCE supporter. 

Our enterprise is run by volunteers and through the support of BNDCE partners, we generate income to offer small community investment grants to our local community. 

Any group wishing to apply for a community investment grant through BNDCE grants program must complete the application form available on this website and submit their application, following the guidelines. 

Application Guidelines

These guidelines are used as a guide only. Each round of community investments may be slightly different due to:

  • Current BNDCE income
  • Number of groups applying for grants
  • Yearly allocated funding already exceeded

Who can apply?

Only not-for-profit community organisations. (i.e. not individuals)

 Please note:

All applicants will receive formal notification of the outcome of their application.

No applications will be considered or accepted from 1st November  – 1st February every year.

Application Criteria

The application must show the benefits to the wider Bendigo Northern District communities.

Applicants will be required to present their application at a committee meeting.

The BNDCE’s decision will be final and no discussion will be entered into. 

Successful applicants must attend the BNDCE presentation grants night.

All applicants must:
Provide a report or documentary evidence (including digital high-resolution photos) that the funds have been used as per the application.

Apply for a maximum of $2,000 per application. Applications for more than $2,000 need to be directed to the committee for further consideration.

For large purchases, grant applicants will be required to provide two quotes. 

Only apply once each calendar year (unless special dispensation is applied for and approved).

BNDCE reserves the right to use photos and information from the grant in its own marketing and publicity campaigns.

BNDCE reserves the right to co-brand or place appropriate signage on item/project funded, if applicable. 

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